This Aluminum Iso Grid Coaster was the object produced in Mech200 for the HAAS CNC Basic Mill Operator Certification Exam. The exam was proctored by a TA and the onjectives were to demonstrate correct setup and fixturing, slecting and safely configuring the machine on the HAAS Pendant then answering general questions about the machine, tooling, and materials.
My advice for student entering MECH 200 next semester would focus on taking quality process notes; do not copy down every word but draw flowcharts of the process, sketch what the setup on the machine looks like. I recomend this becasue it is a lot easier to decipher the sketches and flowcharts from your notes than to read the unfarmiliar vocab you jotted down. easier. This was especially true for the HAAS Exam as you have to get hands on with the HAAS Pendant and there are a huge ammount of buttons and functons that you need to farmiliarize yourself with.
The Coaster is already a highly automated process, with the operator only needing to be present to setup and start the machine, flip it over between OP1 and OP2 and remove the finished part. The main labor cost comes form the idle time waiting for it to finish.
Because the Coaster is a single part manufactured on a CNC Mill, and the program is ready for a production run, the only labor cost is the time it takes to load and unload the machine. The machine can run unattended for the duration of the production run. In addition to one operator supervising multiple machines.