The final project of Mech200 and likely the most practical, we are tasked with creating two screwdrivers, one philips with an injection mold and flathead with a drop forge. It is great to compare and contrast the modalities to create two very similar tools and see the advantages and disadvantages of each.
My advice for student entering MECH 200 next semester would focus on taking quality process notes; do not copy down every word but draw flowcharts of the process, sketch what the setup on the machine looks like. I recomend this becasue it is a lot easier to decipher the sketches and flowcharts from your notes than to read the unfarmiliar vocab you jotted down. easier. This was especially true for the the Screwdrivers as just so many different operations are required in the process for both it can be easy to overlook steps.
Of the single production run, the injection molding was orders of magnitude faster and simpler than the drop forge process. The drop forge blank required a lot more post processing to get the part to the correct dimensions with operation on the manual lathe as well as the CNC Lathe.
Of all the projects i believe that the Drop Forge Screwdriver would be the most difficult to produce at scale, with so many operations and hand forging along with grinding and the heat treatment. The injection molding process is much more streamlined and would be much easier to scale up. But the quality is evident in each of the tools.